Aug 24, 2017
David and Dirk catch up and talk about David's new work. They discuss some of the different ways he's found this new studio operates organizationally and how he thinks it may be a growing trend across the industry. --------------------- David Heron - @DavidVHeron Dirk Knemeyer - @DKnemeyer,,
Aug 17, 2017
David, Dirk, and Kathryn dive into the digital mailbag and take a shot at some listener questions. Topics include Kickstarter Cancellations, design organization and ways to pitch a game. --------------------- Kathryn Hymes - @chicalashaw, David Heron - @DavidVHeron Dirk Knemeyer - @DKnemeyer,...
Aug 4, 2017
In this episode, Mo Turkington from Unruly Designs joins Dirk and Kathryn to discuss LARPs and specifically chamber LARPs focused on women in WWII. The conversation also touches on the roles LARPs can have in understanding social privilege. --------------------- Mo Turkington -,