Jul 2, 2014
Dan Fabulich from Choice Of Games joins Dirk and David to talk
about the interactive fiction genre and the process of choosing an
adventure that may or may not be your
Information Dirk Knemeyer - @DKnemeyer, www.artana.com,
Dirk@Knemeyer.com David Heron - @DavidVHeron Dan Fabulich -
@choiceofgames, dan@choiceofgames.com,
www.choiceofgames.com-----Episode Outline 0:00:31 - Choice of Games
0:01:43 - Interactive Fiction 0:05:58 - UI 0:23:30 - Gender and
Choice 0:31:37 - Best Practices 0:42:57 - Other IF Developers
0:46:26 - Branded Properties 0:54:20 - Making choices
of Games http://www.choiceofgames.com/ Inkle Games
http://www.inklestudios.com/blog/ A Dark Room
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/a-dark-room/id736683061?mt=8 Device
6 https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/device-6/id680366065?mt=8 San
Franciso Interactive Fiction Meetup