Jan 9, 2014
Jon and Dirk are joined by Kevin Forbes of Klei Entertainment to
talk about Don’t Starve. Topics covered include environmental
cycles, crafting, and the unique challenges and perks of developing
a systems-based game.---------------------------Contact
InformationJon Shafer - @JonShaferDesign,
www.JonShaferOnDesign.com, Jon.Shafer@ConiferGames.comDirk Knemeyer
- @DKnemeyer, www.artana.com, Dirk@Knemeyer.comKevin Forbes -
@TheKRF---------------------------Episode Outline0:00:27 - Kevin’s
design background0:03:06 - What is Don’t Starve?0:05:56 -
Environmental cycles0:08:33 - Balancing & playtesting0:13:39 -
Crafting0:28:55 - Death & resurrection0:31:35 - Sanity0:34:02 -
Audience0:36:30 - Klei0:38:56 - Developing a procedural game0:53:43
- Advice for designers