Dec 2, 2013
Jon and Dirk are paid a return visit by first-ever TGDRT guest Rob
Daviau to talk about ‘SeaFall’, his new exploration legacy tabletop
game, Rob’s company ‘IronWall Games’, and his hopes for further
innovation in the genre he helped
create.--------------------------Contact InformationJon Shafer -
Jon.Shafer@ConiferGames.comDirk Knemeyer - @DKnemeyer,, Dirk@Knemeyer.comRob Daviau - @RobDaviauGamer,
Outline0:01:00 - Balancing Risk: Legacy0:06:06 - SeaFall0:11:44 -
Core mechanics0:15:30 - Victory & legacy0:27:24 - Balancing legacy
VS individual playthroughs0:35:19 - Exploration0:40:36 - How do you
design a legacy game?0:52:55 - Inspirations behind SeaFall1:03:50 -
Rob’s company: IronWall Games