Jul 14, 2017
Paul Kilduff-Taylor from Mode 7, join David and Dirk for a
discussion about the games Tokyo 42 and Frozen Synapse. They dive
deep into some of the key decision drivers for these games as well
as some history of the game industry since 2005, and where it is
headed. They also touch on Paul's thought provoking article on
Medium, "Playing With Toys While People are
Dying"---------------------Paul Kilduff-Taylor - @mode7games,
www.mode7games.com David Heron -
@DavidVHeron---------------------Dirk Knemeyer - @DKnemeyer,
www.artana.com, dirk@artana.com---------------------Episode Outline
0:17 - Paul's Background in the games industry 1:14 - What is the
game Tokyo 42 about? 2:26 - Is the amount of killing in the game
intentional? 3:48 - Frozen Synapse has a smaller scope, why? 5:55 -
Discussion on the 'Charm' between Tokyo 42 and Frozen Synapse 8:13
- Is frustration and simultaneous turn design a conscious decision
in your games? 10:21 - Frozen Synapse 2; why make another? 12:55 -
Buy a game, get a give away; how does that work? 15:30 - What are
the challenges with indie develops getting visibility 18:56 - What
was going on in 2005 that brought the company together? 19:59 -
Torque game engine history 21:48 - Introversion as a factor 22:44 -
British game industry; how has the scene changed? 24:58 - Larger
North American studios shutting down and its impact 26:44 -
Procedural content generation 28:07 - Article in Medium "Playing
With Toys While People are Dying" 31:19 - Any new projects