Apr 13, 2017
Designer Nels Anderson stops by to talk to Dirk and Harrison about
his work on 2016’s hit Firewatch. Nels worked with a small team at
Campo Santo studios to create a unique storytelling adventure that
was a critically acclaimed success. Nels describes the pros and
cons of working with a small team of core developers and the
lessons he learned from working on a team that was birthing their
first game together.---------------------Dirk Knemeyer -
@DKnemeyer, www.artana.com, dirk@artana.com Harrison Pink -
harrisonpink@gmail.com, harrisonpink.com Nels Anderson -
@nelsormench, above49.ca---------------------Episode Outline
0:00:58 - Firewatch 0:08:00 - Getting started 0:11:53 - Narrative
and level design 0:15:14 - Working with a small team 0:18:42 -
Firewatch as a first game 0:23:14 - Current projects 0:26:13 -
Design lessons learned