Dec 2, 2014
Dirk, David, and Rob are on hand to talk about two topics this
week. First, the progress of Rob’s current Kickstarter: Funemployed
2nd Edition. He reviews how the Kickstarter is going as well as
steps he took on the front end. Next, Dirk and Rob talk about their
time at Boardgamegeekcon, a convention put on by the website of the
same name. Contact Information Dirk Knemeyer - @DKnemeyer,, David Heron - @DavidVHeron Rob
Daviau -@RobDaviauGamer, Episode
Outline 0:00:13 - Rob’s Kickstarter 0:09:12 - Setting up a
Kickstarter 0:14:26 - Boardgamegeekcon 0:21:58 - Acquire 0:27:47 -
Red7 0:34:15 - Hypoborea 0:38:47 - Tragedy Looper 0:45:57 -
Mysterium 0:49:33 - Tesla vs Edison 0:56:27 - Artemis